16 Nov

Thinking of Moving to Auburn, WA 🚚 ULTIMATE Living in Auburn

Auburn, WA is western Washington city, located mostly in King County in the Seattle area. Also, Auburn is about 25 miles south of Seattle and 15 miles northeast of Tacoma.  It is also the home of the Muckleshoot tribe, who were temporarily driven out of the area by the Indian wars in the 1850s. Settler families came in the 1860s, establishing the town of Slaughter in 1886. The name of the town was changed to Auburn in 1893, after Auburn, NY, because both towns relied on hops farming.

Auburn is between the Green River and White River, and with the completion of the Mud Mountain Dam and the Howard A. Hanson Dam, flooding of the area diminished, allowing the city to grow.

Population & Demographics

The 2019 population of Auburn was 81,464. Auburn is a somewhat diverse place to live, with a demographic breakdown of 54.7% white, 16.8% Hispanic, 11.4% Asian, 5.8% Black or African American, and 7.1% Mixed or other races. Married couples account for 50.3% of households in Auburn, and 66% of homes in Auburn house families. Wondering if Auburn is a safe place to live? Total crime in Auburn is 25% higher than the national average.

Auburn, WA Cost of Living

If you’re considering moving, you are probably thinking about how far your money will go in Auburn. So, is Auburn affordable? Of course, this will depend on your lifestyle and career, but overall, Auburn is 15% more expensive than the national average. Housing in Auburn accounts for much of this statistic—housing in Auburn is 38% more expensive than the national average. Transportation in Auburn is 16% higher than the national average, and groceries are about 11% more than the national average.

Homeownership in Auburn is slightly below the national average. In Auburn, the homeownership rate is 59%, and the national average is 65.4%. Estimated median sale price for a home in Auburn is $550,000, which is an increase of 15.8% since last year. Homes in Auburn are selling in about 6 days on the market. Click here to browse the Auburn real estate market.

In Auburn, approximately 43% of people rent their homes. The average rent cost in Auburn is $1499 a month, which is slightly above the national average of $1302.

Auburn, WA Weather

Auburn has a climate that is temperate and considered to be in the Mediterranean zone for climate. This means summers are mild and mostly dry, but winters are wet and mild. The average low temperature in January is 35 and the average high temperature in July is 77. Auburn sees about 43 inches of rain per year, and has about 160 days of precipitation of any kind during the year.

Things to Do in Auburn, WA

There are plenty of options for outdoor fun in Auburn. Here are some of Auburn’s residents’ favorite places to go:

Soos Creek Botanical Garden

Sook Creek Auburn WA

A gorgeous place to enjoy the outdoors, Soos Creek Botanical Garden is dedicated to promoting the understanding and enjoyment of the natural world.

29308 132nd Ave SE Auburn, WA

Flaming Geyser State Park

Flaming Geyser Auburn WA

Flaming Geyser State Park is located on the Green River and is a popular place to hike, swim, fish or fly radio-controlled aircraft. It’s on 503 acres of land, with more than 3 miles of freshwater shoreline.

23700 S.E. Flaming Geyser Rd., Auburn, WA 98092

The Parks, Arts, & Recreation department of Auburn also have great facilities and activities, for people of all ages that want to get outside, exercise or learn a new skill.

Additional Things to Do in and around Auburn

Auburn Restaurants

There are many great restaurant options living in Auburn. Here are a few of the best rated places Auburn residents love to dine:

Sunbreak Café

A favorite restaurant in Auburn, Sunbreak Cafe is a small breakfast and lunch spot. This family-owned restaurant has been in business in Auburn since 1982!

22 A St SW, Auburn, WA 98001

Rio Blanco Family Restaurant

Authentic Mexican food and cocktails, for dine-in or carry-out. Rio Blanco Family Restaurant has traditional offerings, as well as unique dishes

3830 A Street SE # 201, Auburn, WA 98002

Auburn, WA Map

Explore more of what Auburn has to offer by checking out the map below.

Auburn, WA Statistics & Information

Auburn is located in King County. Auburn’s zip codes are 98002, 98030, 98042 and 98092. The elevation of Auburn, WA is 85 feet. Auburn is in the Pacific Standard Time Zone. The area of Auburn is 21.3 square miles.

Jobs in Auburn, WA

The median household income in Auburn is $72,822 per year. Great news – salaries in Auburn rose by 5.62% from 2018 to 2019. The most popular jobs in Auburn are office and administrative support, sales, and management occupations. The biggest industries that employ Auburn residents are manufacturing, retail trade, and health care and social assistance. About 10.7% of Auburn residents live below the poverty line, which is less than the national average. Women in Auburn between the ages of 25 and 34 are the demographic most affected by poverty.

The average commute time in Auburn is about 32 minutes, which is about 5 minutes more than the national average. Nearly 75% of Auburn residents choose to drive solo to work, and nearly all Auburn households own two cars. Will you be working in Seattle and living in Auburn? Your commute will be a breeze! Click here to see what the 26 mile drive from Auburn to Seattle will be like.

Looking for employment in the Auburn area? Click here to check out what is currently listed in Auburn on Indeed.com. Would you prefer to work for a municipality? If you would rather be employed by the City of Seattle, they are hiring! Click here to see what positions are currently available. The City of Tacoma is also hiring! Click here to see what positions are available in that city.

Schools in Auburn, WA

Auburn is served by Auburn School District. The top-rated schools in Auburn are Evergreen Heights Elementary School, Lakeland Elementary School and Hazelwood Elementary School. If parents prefer to send their children to a parochial or private school, there are 7 in the Auburn to choose from. Students will also have access to the Auburn Library, a part of the King County Library System.

Living in Auburn Pros & Cons

  • Pro: Reasonable cost of living
  • Pro: Great schools
  • Con: Elevated crime rate

Making a move to Auburn? Hire Auburn’s best rated professional moving company to ensure an easy transition! Give A2B Moving & Storage a call today at 206-419-5748 to discuss your move!

Check out what it’s like to move to Dayton, OH! Need long-distance moving in Washington? Look no further,


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