9 Aug

Move-eager Millennials Say ‘Meh’ 2 Overabundance

  • By: Deidra Poltersdorf
  • Interstate Moving
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Moving millennials

Grasping possessions for posterity? Newsflash: Millennials view their parents’ prized items as a pain in the posterior. Translation? E-a-s-e your grip.

Individuals born 1980–2000 have a much different POV concerning ownership vs. generations preceding them. The seemingly abstract concept of digital ownership is, ironically, way more tangible to millennials than the concrete brick-and-mortar “permanence” baby boomers and the Depression-era generation value.

Virtual is in; physical is out. Lotsa stuff equals the proverbial millstone around the neck. Limited inventory is the path to freedom. Millennials using moving companies in Seattle tend to want to embark on a local move or employ cross-country movers with the least amount of hassle—and that means less stuff to pack.

Millennials’ minimalist mantra

“That’s the whole meaning of life, isn’t it? Trying to find a place for your stuff,” comedian George Carlin would say during one of his famous routines. “That’s all your house is…a pile of stuff with a cover on it.”

The late funnyman’s mocking social indictment 30 years ago now can be appreciated as a predictor of the millennial mantra of minimalism. News outlets as diverse as The New York Times, Observer, The Washington Post, Business Insider and The Christian Science Mentor all are singing a unified chorus: Millennials (and even Gen X-ers) don’t want their immediate ancestors’ “antiques.”

How now brown couch

There’s also this thing about brown…as in furniture…as in brown furniture. Numerous news reports emphasize millennials find brown furniture about as desirable as fool’s gold to a prospector. And they wouldn’t give all the tea in China for a tea set or some fine china—once hallmarks of a complete middle-class home.

Though this trend might pain some people, perhaps it’s best viewed with a sigh of relief, particularly if you’re contemplating downsizing. Not sure where to start first? Start just about anywhere.

Then seek out the best movers in Sammamish, WA or movers in Redmond, WA or movers in Kirkland, WA: A2B Moving & Storage.

Ease your burden

This knowledge should free up boomers and others who’ve burdened themselves with unneeded household items under the misguided concept their children want their stuff someday.

If an interstate move is on the immediate or longer-term horizon (maybe in anticipation of retirement), why not think about selling, donating or discarding items now so your move will be a lot easier on you and family members when the time comes?

Instead of assuming your sons or daughters (or grandchildren) want certain items, why not ask them? Have a conversation, and don’t be put off if your offspring don’t appreciate that chunky Reagan-era oak cabinet. On the other hand, a midcentury modern item just might be the piece they’ve been seeking to spruce up their home office, so dialog will prove valuable. But if you don’t need it (and they don’t want it), does it make sense to move furniture across country?


Don’t hold on to items you don’t value anymore, either. There’s no sense in paying for moving and relocation services to transport items you don’t want or need. You could save money on your cross country move and free up valuable interior space in your new home. Also resist the urge to keep things in storage indefinitely.

Seeking downsizing advice? Look no further than the best moving company Seattle has to offer: A2B Moving & Storage.

Contact us today

Seeking a moving company in Seattle considered among the region’s top-rated movers? Whether you need local or long-distance movers, A2B Moving & Storage are the movers in Seattle, WA best-suited to handle the job carefully and courteously. Since 2009, we’ve been the long-distance movers in Auburn, WA people confidently count on. Contact us today for a FREE moving quote: 206.419.5748.


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