Redmond, WA is a western city in the state of Washington, located in King County. Redmond is about 15 miles east of Seattle.
Population & Demographics
The 2020 population of Redmond was 67,959. Redmond is a diverse place to live, with a demographic breakdown of 49.1% White, 36.7% Asian, 7.6% Hispanic, and 1.5% Black or African American. Married couples account for 59.9% of households in Redmond, and 61.6% of homes in Redmond house families. Wondering if Redmond is a safe place to live? Total crime in Redmond is 42.6% lower than the national average.
Redmond, WA Cost of Living
If you’re thinking about moving, you are probably wondering how far your money will go in Redmond. Is Redmond affordable? Of course, this will depend on your income and lifestyle, but overall, Redmond is 53% more expensive than the national average! Housing in Redmond is 109% higher than the national average. Transportation in Redmond is 25% higher than the national average, and groceries are about 25% more expensive in Redmond than the national average.
The homeownership rate in Redmond is 50.1%, lower than the national average of 65.4%. Estimated median sale price for a home in Redmond is $1.19 Million, which is an increase of 6.3% since last year. Homes in Redmond are selling in about 30days on the market. Click to see what’s going on with the Redmond real estate market.
In Redmond, approximately 50% of people rent their homes. The average rent cost in Redmond is $2219 a month, which is higher the national average of $1302.
Redmond, WA Weather
Redmond’s average temperature in January is 36.5 and the average temperature in July is 66.5. Redmond sees about 36 inches of precipitation each year.
With all that rain, there are bound to be mosquitoes! Learn how to get rid of mosquitoes with this helpful guide.
Things to Do in Redmond, WA
There are plenty of options for outside activities in Redmond. Here are some of Redmond’s residents’ favorite places to go:
Redmond Town Center
Take a look at all the shops and restaurants Redmond Town Square has to offer.
Microsoft Company Store and Visitor Center
Interact with displays on this self-guided tour at the Microsoft Visitor Center with hands on with the latest Xbox games.
Other things to see nearby
Redmond, WA Restaurants
Tipsy Cow Burger Bar
Since you area in the Seattle area, you might want to try this burger that shares the nickname of Seattle’s famous running back — Beast Mode. The Tipsy Cow Bar Burger has many original takes on the American Classic.
16325 Cleveland St., Redmond, WA
Some of the top sushi in the area. Try a California Roll for lunch at Musashi’s.
Redmond, WA Map
Check out what Redmond has to offer by looking at the map below.
Redmond, WA Statistics & Information
Redmond is located in King County. Redmond’s zip code is 98008, 98052, 98053, 98073. The elevation of Redmond, WA is 43 feet. Redmond is in the Pacific Standard Time Zone. The area of Redmond is 17.24 square miles.
Jobs in Redmond, WA
The median household income in Redmond is $132,770 per year. Great news – salaries in Redmond increased by an average of $600 from 2019 to 2020. The most popular jobs in Redmond are computer & mathematical occupations, management occupations, business & financial occupations. The biggest industries that employ Redmond residents are Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services, Retail Trade and Manufacturing. About 5.79% of Redmond residents live below the poverty line, which is well below the national average. The demographic most affected by poverty in Redmond is women between the ages of 18 and 24.
The average commute time in Redmond is about 25 minutes, which is the same as the national average. About 57.3% of Redmond residents choose to drive alone to work rather than carpool, and nearly half Redmond households own two cars. Will you be working in Seattle and living in Redmond? Your commute will be a breeze! Click here to see what the 15.3 mile drive from Redmond to Seattle will be like.
Looking for employment in the Redmond area? Click here to check out what is currently listed in Redmond on Indeed.com. Would you prefer to work for a municipality? If you would rather be employed by the Village of Redmond, they are hiring! Click here to see what positions are currently available.
Schools in Redmond, WA
Redmond is served by the Lake Washington School District. Top-rated schools in Redmond are Sunrise Elementary School, Rose Hill Middle School and Redmond High School. If parents prefer to send their children to private or parochial school, there are 55 in Redmond to choose from. Students will also have access to the King County Library System.
Living in Redmond Pros & Cons
- Pro: Low Crime Rate
- Pro: Good Schools
- Con: High Cost of Living
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